New Lifestyle! A Less Serious Look at Fitness

Summer is right around the corner! Are you ready to don a bathing suit?  If the answer is yes, then pat yourself on the back, because you are awesome! If the answer is no, don’t worry, you’re in good company.

Back when I used to think I knew what it meant to be busy, (balancing job, boyfriend, friends, shopping, and fun) I was actually a personal trainer.  I loved working out and loved fitness.  I still do, but now as a wife, mother of 3, business owner (Planted Juice), and laugh seeker (Laughing Moms), I can’t even keep my house in order, let alone my body.

New Lifestyle Screen Shot logo left

Fortunately, (I suppose) due to food allergies I eat pretty well, so my weight is within a healthy range.  Unfortunately, my muscles left this body for fitter pastures long ago.  I’m pretty sure my 5 year old is already stronger than me.  In my defense, she is a quarter Samoan, and my husband is a freakishly strong man who passed on his strong genes.

So, as I sat and planned a calisthenic comeback, inspiration struck! I grabbed my computer and did some keystroke reps, getting my fingers in the shape of their lives. “New Lifestyle” was the result of this workout.  It’s a parody of “Style” by Taylor Swift, and it would help me laugh my way to flatter abs. Come get your workout in with me! For best results, repeat 5x/week for 25 minutes minimum.

xo – Alisha

What are your thoughts on this fitness regime? Share your comments below, we’d love to hear your ideas!

10 thoughts on “New Lifestyle! A Less Serious Look at Fitness

  1. Side note: I LOVE your header photo, that’s too perfect lol 🙂 and I just walk as much as possible, even though I live in an “suburban” area, if it’s less than a mile away I’ll walk


  2. I try to walk 2 to 3 miles a day. I always take the dog with me. He gets crazy if he doesn’t get enough exercise, so that helps to get me going. Either we walk, or he eats the couch!


  3. This is an area that I desperately need motivation to get me back into my routine! I have been using my kid as an excuse. Time to get back to it though! Loved this post!


  4. Getting fit and staying fit are different things. With the right amount of exercise, balanced diet and sustainable juice that can store away your fats, that is the new lifestyle to take on.


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